Ancestors Regained


Latest Update: 9th July 2018

The data that we collect and how we use it
When you contact us you will typically provide two types of information:

1/ Contact details: your name, address, email address and telephone number.

  • By contacting us you will be giving us permission to reply, and your contact details will subsequently be used in order to communicate with you about your enquiry. If you then decide to commission research, they will also be used to satisfy record keeping and accounting requirements.
  • Your contact details will not be passed on to or shared with any third parties.
  • Should we discover in our research a previously unknown living relative, we will not, without your written permission, pass on your contact details.

2/ Information about known ancestors – and sometimes about living relatives also.

  • This information is supplied for the purposes of commissioned research and will be used solely for such purposes. It will not be published; nor will it be shared with third parties.
  • When supplying any information about living relatives you are giving us permission to use it in the research that we are carrying out on your behalf.

Further information is in due course collected by us in the process of satisfying the requirements of any contracted research. Unless prior permission is granted, this research will be neither published nor shared with third parties.

Data retention
Contact details are usually retained in order to help with any possible follow-on enquiries or research. They can, however, be removed at any time (a personal email making this request should be sent to
Quite often past clients can at some later date return and ask us to continue where we had left off in our research; in such circumstances it is helpful for us to have access to our earlier research. Should you, nevertheless, wish files holding information on your completed commission to be deleted then a personal email making this request should be sent to

Protecting your personal/business data
Your information is held by us in a secure environment. Fully updated firewall, virus protection and anti-spyware programmes are used in order to ward off vulnerabilities and attacks.